Find it. Fix it.
At Logistik & Projekt, we work to find solutions that work. Our skilled and dedicated consultants are specialized in logistics solutions and in managing projects on site. We do not deliver a desktop product but solutions that are implemented in the business to directly deliver, improve and optimize. Below you can read more about our consultants, if you want to know more about us and how we work, you are of course welcome to contact us!
High knowledge and long experience in logistics. Together with our clients, we can develop the best solutions and implement them in the business.
Customer focus
We work closely with our clients and are driven to create added value for the customer through our solutions.
We are always dedicated to our task. On site in the middle of the client's daily operations, we can see things from the outside and make a difference. We build relationships with our clients for long-term cooperation.
Meet our consultants
Our consultants have extensive experience in running projects in warehouse management, production and logistics. We bring this knowledge with us when designing and implementing new solutions and improvements. We stay up to date and are constantly looking for new innovative tools and logistics solutions. We offer our clients the latest in 3D scanning, Virtual Twin and Virtual Reality to visualize solutions on site.
Tillsammans drivs vi av att skapa och implementera smarta lösningar som gör skillnad för våra kunder. Hör av dig så berättar vi mer!

"I am motivated by driving change that makes a difference in an organization."
Reto works as a logistics consultant and project manager with international management experience.
He has worked as a project manager and leader in intralogistics and automated warehouses since 2003. After starting as a software engineer, he continued as a project manager and leader. He has good multifunctional understanding in production, automation, commissioning, integration and sales of logistics equipment.
Reto has acted as the responsible portfolio manager for several efficiency, production and warehouse relocation projects at group level. As a logistics consultant, Reto has created a number of logistics concepts for manual and automated warehouses and distribution centers in various industries and eCommerce. In recent years, he has been the responsible project manager for production and warehouse relocations in Europe.
As a person, Reto is clear and acts in a structured way to drive the work forward. He has a good understanding of the strategic context of organizations and businesses.
Education / competences
Logistics concept
Investment project
Project portfolio management
+46 73 091 94 15
Based in: Enköping

"Att tillföra ett driv i projektet och skapa ett väl fungerande team är mina styrkor inom projektledning."
Joakim har en bred erfarenhet som projektledare samt chef på större internationella bolag. Han har lett projekt gällande energieffektiviseringar, produktionshöjande åtgärder på kärnkraftverk samt leveranser och installation av logistiklösningar över världen. Han har även arbetat som officer samt kvalitetschef och har en trygg och stabil ledarstil.
Vidare har Joakim arbetat som chef över projektledare inom logistiklösningar med ansvaret att vidareutveckla teamet, interna processer och arbetssätt.
Joakim drivs av att tillföra energi och bygga projektteamet mot gemensamt uppsatta mål. Är en inkluderande lagspelare som gillar utmaningar, stora som små. Han trivs i komplexa, dynamiska projekt där det finns potential för förbättringar.
Education / competences
Project management
+46 72 142 75 00
Based in: Vadstena

"Right from the start - all the way to the end."
Sven is a project manager and logistics consultant with broad international experience.
He has a solid experience in implementing projects in the field of logistics. Throughout his active career, he has worked with solutions and implementation of products in warehouse logistics and related areas. During these years, he has run a large number of projects of different size and nature, against a number of different customers on several continents. In addition to working as a leader in the role of project manager, Sven also has extensive management experience.
Sven has high communication skills and is a social person who can easily inspire and motivate others. He is driven with a high degree of independence and high demands on the work to be done. One of his strengths is to analytically and structurally break down problems in order to solve them.
Education / competences
Project management
Logistics solutions
Improvement work
+46 70 399 84 66
Based in: Norrköping

"Kontakta mig om du har frågor angående administration och ekonomi"
Anna är ansvarig för administration och ekonomi inom företaget.
Hon har utbildat sig inom sportsmanagement med fokus på juridik, ekonomi och organisatioriska frågor.
Efter ett flertal år inom Svensk Idrott som processledare inom organisationsutveckling och som projektledare för arrangemang, började Anna 2018 här på LPS, men har ett fortsatt ett stort idéellt intresse för ungdomsidrott.
+46 70 672 00 39